Mystery Project - Group 6 - Theme


Chapter 1- theme 

Writer: Kila 

Fact Checker:Jonathyn 

Editor: Kila

Publisher- Jonathyn

    Uncle Ralph, Christina, and Christina's sister were all driving to theirr Grandma's house but when they find out that their grandma is sick, Christina's sister (Jenny) is going to stay with their nice Aunt Grace while Christina has to stay with their mean Uncle Ralph. Will Christina make it through her stay with her Uncle? 




 Chapter 2- Theme 

writer: Jonathyn

Fact Checker: Kila

Editor: Kila


     Christina has arrived at her Uncle Ralph's house and goes out to the beach and when she gets out she see's a boy at the pier but when she says hi to him he disappeards in the blink of an eye.



Chapter 3- Theme

writer: Kila

Fact Checker- Jonathyn

     Christina thinks that what she saw at the pier is a ghost and so she tells her uncle about, it but he dosn't believe her so she tries to let the idea slip, but she can't seem to get it out of her mind. Was the boy at the pier really a ghost?




Chapter 4- Theme

Writer- Kila

Fact Checker- Jonathyn

     Christina goes up to the attic to figure out what the locked door she saw the night before had behind it. When she went in she found things that the boy at the pier had been wearing and later found the boy smiling over her shoulder when she read a riddle. Who is this boy, and how did he disappaer right when she looked up.



Chapter 5- Theme

Writer- Kila

FactChecker- Jonathyn

Christina finds a swing in the garage puts it up and when she swings on it she finds that it is very fun and the ghost boy shows up but right when he see's her looking at him he goes away. Christina goes into the house and 


Chapter 6- Theme

Writer- Kila

Christina heard footsteps in the middle of the night. She got out of bed and went othe attic door and as she got close the air felt cooler and cooler and when she finally got to the attic the chest that held most of Uncle Ralphs belonging was pushed aside from the door and the door to the attic was open. When she closed it she slamed it and it woke Uncle Ralph so he got mad at her, sent her to her room, and she couldn't go to sleep the rest of the night because of how scared she was.